Small room amp and speakers recommendation

I have an area in allocated in my new house for a listen room that is approximately 7ft x 12ft x 10 ceilings....i know it's small, hut it's all mine away from the kids. I am look for advice/recommendations on an amp and speakers for that area. I want to keep the budget under $5k (the lower the better). I listen to a lot of vinyl and a majority or my preferred music is acoustic with some rock mixed in on occasion. Please let me know what you think and if you have an other questions on my desired set-up.
Thank you

Showing 1 response by terry9

The most important thing, especially at your price point, is the room. And there you may be in luck.

The ratio 1 : 1.56 : 1.87 simulates VERY well at 50 cubic meters. You don't have that - only about half. Still, it's a better bet than anyone has a right to expect.  I suggest reducing that 84" width to 77" with some thin bookshelves, which gives you 77" x 120" x 144".

Caution: a half inch, even a quarter inch, matters here - I just finished a room to 1/8" tolerances, and it's the best room I've ever heard. If you want to know more, PM me.