Small headphone system

Living in Thailand now, I have decided to assemble a small headphone system. Components on hand are Bluesound Node (the original, not the 2 or X) as a source with Tidal, some AirPods Max and the HD6XX. The source will be Tidal because Quboz doesn’t provide service to Thailand. My budget should be in line with the quality (not cost) of these with a limit of $2000.

Research indicates that the HD6XX requires an amp for best results, so I am looking for recommendations. I have seen reviews that suggest a Schitt Magni/Modi stack for the HD6XX. Would the Schitt DAC be superior to what is in the Node? If not, should I go for just an amp?

Musical tastes are eclectic, including acapella, 60s rock, folk, Celtic, world and classical

Although I live in Thailand, I’ll be in the US for the next two weeks and can acquire products here.

I will be using balanced XLR from the amp to the HD6XX. What is best connection path from the Node to the amp?


At your budget I’d definitely buy a better DAC along with the amp.  I’d very highly recommend this amp from Singxer that I use with my Hifiman Arya Stealth ‘phones and it just does everything right, is fully balanced, and runs in Class A for very refined yet detailed sound.  It sounds best in “Low Z” mode and with the power switches on the bottom switched to low output, which is likely all you’ll need for your headphones.

For a DAC I’d recommend this Musician Draco that’s fully balanced and very similar to the pricier Pegasus that I use with the Singxer amp with excellent results.  The Schiit Bifrost may also be good but I’ve never heard it, and both should be a significant step up over the Modi and are within your budget.

For cables I’d recommend LavriCables that offer very high performance/$.  Here are the balanced cables I use to connect my DAC/Amp and the headphone cable.  Several others here have used their cables and have been universally very happy with them and found them to offer a meaningful improvement over what they were using before.

Last, you’ll want a good digital cable to go from the Node to the DAC (get 1m or 1.5m length), and I’d recommend this DH Labs cable as it offers good performance and value (they offer a 10% discount if you give them your email address)…

Hope this helps and gives you some ideas, and best of luck. 


Thank you for the detailed response. If I cut my budget in half to $1000, what would you recommend?