Small Footprint SS Power Amps

Hoping to use this forum to quickly get a list of small footprint SS power amps - 14" or less wide - for a specific application I have. I need at least 100W (prefer more), prefer A/B. I know of the Benchmark ABH2 and various Quad models. Any others you are aware of? Appreciate the help!
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Showing 1 response by twinski66

amorstereo Teenay - your recommendation is spot on regarding the SPL Audio Performer S800. I’m so glad that I purchased it. It’s a remarkable amp that delivers the dynamic swings effortlessly & beautifully. I can’t imagine anything above it…class A/B ‘smallish’ amp befitting for a desktop application if desired…& its 185 watts @ 8 ohms alleviates any real need to upgrade.