Small bookshelfs that reach 42 hz

I just about worked out what speakers to buy for the living room when the wife changed her mind from floor standers to stand mount speakers. She saw a set of B&W 805's on their dedicated stands and that was it.

Not wanting to cave in for pure aesthetics, I need to know what else to consider for a small (16" or less tall) bookshelf speaker that will allow me to reach the bottom range of a bass guitar with solidity. Please no speakers that do 50 or 60 hz and then crap out; that won't fit the bill. Price is anything up to $3000 new with stands. Nice looking matching stands are a major plus as this is the living room.

Since I haven't bought the amp yet don't worry about synergy but if you have suitable integrated recommendations that won't be above $1500 or so used I'm all ears. Many thanks.
I agree with Aball. I wanted the Contour s1.4's, but they were beyond my budget. I bought the Focus 140's and the bass is what you are looking for. Make sure you have enough power to drive them. I started with a Musical Fidelity a3.2 integrated, which proved too weak to do the 140's justice. I upgraded to the a308 integrated and the bass is full.
Thanks for all of the replies. Based on this thread and some PM's I will be searching for the following: Dynaudio 140's, Revel M22's, Proac 1sc, B&W 805, Totem 1 Signature. Hopefully these can all be found in Chicago.
I agree with the assesment of the Revel M-22s. They have really good base performance in my setup. revel is also closing out the Maple finish, so if you like that color you can get them for a good price.
I re-read your message - one downside to the M-22s is that the stands are not that great. I would look for stands from another source if I went for the Revels.

As for an amp, I would go for something in the 100+ w/ch range at least. I'm using the new Onkyo A-9555 (85 w/ch) and really like it with the Revels in my 12x14 room, but with a larger room I might look for something with a bit more power.
I heard a pair of M22's last night driven by Lexicon electronics. I did not realize they have a tapered cabinet and have a position switch for near wall or free standing placement - a nice touch. The fit and finish were excellent.

They had only about 1 hour on them but even so were very refined, sweet sounding, detailed but not at all bright. The bass extended down far enough for me but was uneven - probably due to lack of break-in. There was a light haze over everything and PRaT was a little weak. I'm not sure it was the speaker - I'd be a little more likely to attibute these qualities to the front end which is voiced for Home Theater. This just points to the need for auditioning in the home instead of in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar gear.

Tonight I'll hear the 805's and on Saturday Dynaudio Focus 140's and possibly Totem Model 1 Signature's. The bonus check came in and I'm hot for my living room 2 channel.