Slate under speakers?

My system - listening area is on a suspended floor loft. Wood floor with carpeting on it. As a trial/experiment I currently have formica covered countertop sink cutouts under each of my Snell Type AIII's. No spikes...just sitting on top of the carpet. The difference was an easily noticable tightening up of the sound...more I'm looking for a more permanent solution.

I came across some slate slabs (1 inch x 22 x 34 inches) that would would fit under the speakers nicely. Has anyone used slate in this way? If needed I could spike the platforms into the floor.

Showing 2 responses by zargon

After much experimentation, I ended up with a similar solution for my previous room. The speakers were spiked onto slate for stability, which was then resting on carpet/pad which provides decoupling. Decoupling the speakers from the suspended floor reduces the ability of the speakers to drive the floor's resonant frequency. Do not spike the slate to the subfloor, as it will negate the decoupling.

Incidently, I kept the same slate in place over carpet in my current room despite the fact that the floor is concrete. It still provides the best and tightest bass.

Slate doesn't make sense... The sound will just resonate back through your cabinets if you use slate. It doesn't work.

What is your basis for these statements? Do you have first hand experience or are you just theorizing or imagining what might happen?

In fact, there are sound (pun) reasons for isolation of this type for suspended floors and quite a few AGONers have reported success with this method. It worked extremely well for me and the results were measurable, so I'm concerned your absolute statements might misslead others from trying it.