SL-1200G/Hana ML Best Headshell

I have been looking at a Titanium and Carbon Fiber headshell.  I think one is 19gm vs 12gm.  The ML has published compliance and weight, but I can't find published figures for the Technics magnesium arm?  Anyone have suggestions as to best way forward when looking for a headshell?


Showing 1 response by zazouswing

I don’t remember where I came up with the number, but according to my spreadsheet, I listed the 1200G arm with a 12g effective mass. That puts it low on the spectrum.  The stock headshell is very light. After using the 12g number and calculating all of my carts, I found that the resonant frequencies were within tolerance for all but the heaviest of headshell / cart combos. I use the ML with a version of the Zupreme mentioned above. There are several sellers of the same piece. No issues. I think that headshell is listed around 10g, but in practice it’s a bit more. I looked at the Titanium too - I thought it would be too heavy.