Skin Orgasms caused by music .

Who else has had this very interesting phenom ?

Thank ,

RG in Audiophile Hell !

Showing 1 response by clearthink

" Works fine to get a mid-hall seat sound of a symphony orchestra which is the most complicated thing in all of music ."

Of course it will be readily apparent to most contributors to this esteemed forum that this claim is not supported by reason, fact, or logic because a Music Reproduction System has know way of knowing the acoustic of the space it is tasked with reproducing it only sees a waveform that it then replicates with depending on the specific Music Reproduction System in use some varying degree of accuracy. The claim as stated here is as faulty as specifying a component as being especially suited to any one style of music when of course the components that comprise a Music Reproduction System either collectively or individually have know way of knowing what style of music it is tasked with reproducing.