Six Moons charges for reviews?

I recently heard from an audio manufacturer that Srajan from 6 Moons requested payment to publish the company's review that was in-progress. I have used 6 Moons for many years believing them to be unbiased. It would be disappointing if this practice was widespread. Anyone know if this is "normal" business for reviewers? Have I just been naive? It would not be the first time.

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

As Viridian points out, read Srajan's rationale for why he did it and just when he did it as it's been awhile since he's implemented it. Also, the review that's alluded to in the OPs post allowed for the manufacturer to be grandfathered in under the old policy at no cost to him. Srajan was quite eager to hear review his speaker.

Srajan just decided that's it's been going on for far too long having a small handful of manufacturers carry the weight of all the advertising. There have been multiple reviews of single makes products with no reciprocation whatsoever.

Srajan is not a trust fund kid with resources to spare. The whole gig is funded by advertising and those that do fully support his new program, all the while wondering why he didn't do it sooner as I imagine they didn't like carrying everyone's water, giving them a free ride.

All the best,
So, if I understand you correctly, all of the reviews he's done all these years for free don't contribute to the entirety of his work now that he had to level the playing field for participation?

All the best,