Six Moons charges for reviews?

I recently heard from an audio manufacturer that Srajan from 6 Moons requested payment to publish the company's review that was in-progress. I have used 6 Moons for many years believing them to be unbiased. It would be disappointing if this practice was widespread. Anyone know if this is "normal" business for reviewers? Have I just been naive? It would not be the first time.

Showing 1 response by mapman

There are pros and cons with everything. Sixmoons reviewers generally do a decent job of covering both. No reason to be negative about most products, rather, be agnostic, describe the product to just help people familiarize and decide if right for them or not and be done with it. Just being objective about these things is the key.

My main complaint about sixmoons is the tangents that the reviewers go off on with regularity. The reviews are seldom very concise. But on the other hand we all love this stuff right so why not just go with the flow, enjoy reading and wena what one might out of whatever is written.

I could complain about sixmoons all day probably, but bottom line is I;'d rather sixmoons and other write anything than nothing at all. This audio stuff does not get all that much attention these days compared to other newer and trendier areas of technology.