Six Moons charges for reviews?

I recently heard from an audio manufacturer that Srajan from 6 Moons requested payment to publish the company's review that was in-progress. I have used 6 Moons for many years believing them to be unbiased. It would be disappointing if this practice was widespread. Anyone know if this is "normal" business for reviewers? Have I just been naive? It would not be the first time.

Showing 1 response by czarivey

Any professional (including reviewer) gets or at least asks for certain dough for what they do. Why it's so shockin' after all and why 6 Moons NOT supposed to charge for reviews? If I'm a professional writer asked to write a story or an article for specific journal, magazine or newspaper, should I do that for FREE? It's only in audio-dealer's stories and fairy tales reviewers writing from listening experience. In reality, they less-likely even touch or see that equipment. All you need to have is proper audiophile vocabulary to write these articles and you don't need to be EE or designer.
Figure out. Math is simpler then science and there's no science without math.