Sister's wants music system without the hassles!

Evening Goners',

My Sister loves to come over to listen to my system but when i try to explain it to her [she asked!] her eyes glaze over...

I have a nice pair of mint Red Rose R3 [the man!] speakers that i would love to put together an all in one system for her moderate budget!!
Amp, Preamp, dac, cd player, possible streaming , phono outlet .

She's an Analog gal but , with the right component, might venture into digital down the road.
Not anything complicated, just push a few buttons and sit back...:-)

Thanks to all who respond and i will then look each up...

Well, to make things as simple as possible I would recommend an integrated amp just to simplify the box count and not have to teach here turn on/turn off sequencing.
Look for an integrated amp in your price range with a built in phono stage, and maybe even a built in dac.

Those speakers are fairly inefficient, so probably best to stay with SS integrated amp with at least 100 wpc.
I don't know what your price range is, but maybe something like the NAD C-390DD would work.

Happy Hunting!

In all honesty most women don't care to much for the sound and want fewer the cables the better. My mom, sister's and wife all nod when I ask between speakers, that sounds good. I would just buy her a good sound bar, only if she isn't the typical woman, then an integrated would be the way to go.
I agree, an integrated is the way to go. The Parasound Halo integrated would include a DAC and phono and can easily drive the Red Rose R3. Just add a $35 chromecast streamer and she's good to go. You can find one used for about $1700 and new for $2500.