Single ended vs xlr balanced

I have switched backwards and forwards (going slightly mad in the process) testing (long run) interconnects.
I know some sound engineers, and they tell me I am probably persuading myself that balanced is better than single ended and THERE IS NO REASON WHY SINGLE ENDED CAN SOUND INFERIOR TO BALANCED. Sorry to use capitals but this seem to be a fair summary of the be all and end all of technical discussion. If I was to guess however, my mind would tend to follow the technical opinion not go against it, surely? In my mind the balanced is a deeper more airy sound, just better presence all round. The technical response is that I am not comparing like with like, as the balanced runs at higher voltages and subsequently higher volume (6db). I had a shock at this news and found out therefore by accident that my Bryston 28bsst2s amps have a switch upping the output from 23 to 29db to compensate. Also did I hear properly that Bryston kit is set up preferring balanced? My processor is a Bryston sp3 so maybe my preferred balanced system  is what I needed anyway. But it is odd that a reputable company like Bryston would have such a policy (if it has foundation) and not stress that on their literature. If my system can be adjusted for speaker levels then volume output is irrelevant - or is it if that higher voltage has some effect?
And don't get me started on aes/ebu vs spdif! The aes to me is noticeably superior for the same reasons as the rca vs xlr debate. Then hdmi vs spdif ... (Time for my medicine ........)
So my question is - forgetting technicalities which can get more and more complicated by the minute  - do other peoples' ears agree with mine?

Showing 6 responses by tatyana69

Yes that is why I asked for  "ear" comments.
I was just wondering WHY maybe I should be wrong by favouring, seriously, balanced!
I can hear it, but can I believe it?
As a  supplementary question - Can a well designed rca cable compensate for ground loop? And why do some rca cables come with a ground thin cable and some do not? Either it is a problem solvable within the cable itself, or it is not? My engineer guy has provided me with an  rca cable he thinks will solve my ground hum issue yet it does not have any separate earth bit added on.
I will be able to see if his cable works in a few days when I am next with my second system.
And I cannot believe in the year 2016 that we have these difficulties!
We could go to the moon 50 years ago but we have earth issues now still (pun intended - ha)
Not sure if I see any conclusion ... but if I did would it be that balanced if done properly/right kit must be better than unbalanced if done properly/right kit?
And another thing for my simple brain .. if balanced is the favoured "vehicle" for long runs ..... why are probably 98% of all xlr cable adverts for sale a seemingly average of 1 metre long? I wanted 8-10 metres but are they ubiquitous?
Not at all !
Certain things do not add up.
How did you switch interconnects? Strangely enough I am collaborating on a preamp that will give an xlr/rca switching option for analogue (record deck and dsd dac), and a passthrough to facilitate a digital source/streamer in surround sound (7.1 +)
My Bryston 28bssts have a 6db uplift switch for rca so when the project is completed I just need to pop round the back of the amps and switch to rca/uplift and back again for xlr
Do you have examples of what makes you switch?
Stringreen - if you are correct that the "artificial" balance outputs exist then that is outrageous, playing on consumer ignorance. There should be serious descriptions, like on food, to identify the contents! Name and shame!
Hello Inna, I am often in Kharkov where music tastes are limited to songs with a one two beat. 
Fascinated by the contrast in views with Dave B, who obviously I agree with. Audiogon forum does not show "signatures" of peoples'kit so I cannot relate your comments to your kit for any correlation, in a pathetic attempt of me searching for clues. In any event I bet anyone describing their kit does not even bother putting down the cable type, xlr or rca, which is a shame. I did in an earlier post mention that Bryston apparently set up  their kit for balanced, so IF that is right (anyone know?) an earlier Audiogoner posting might be relevant that it is kit dependant. That is however again confusing if so, because someone at the kit design end has considered the pros and cons and come up with a decision that one is "better" (oops, I should have said a more agreeable option in their eyes!) on our behalf.