Singers do not sing the language they speak

Want to know if anyone knows such artists.
This post does not carry any educational meaning rather providing interesting statistics.

So here's my list:

1. Madeleine Peyroux -- born in Atlanta GA and sings songs in French
2. Gypsy Kings -- they're mostly from France and speak French while singing in Spanish.
3. Joe Dassin -- born and in USA and all of his songs are sang in French.

Now your turn...

Showing 2 responses by bdp24

Ha, touche' Todd! Okay, the English that Rap singers use is a different language than the English I speak.

Said at the risk of being perceived as racist, the form of English spoken by many Rappers differs quite a bit from that of Anglos in the U.S. of A. Not quite a different language, but pretty darn close. I axed (;-) my sister why that is (her daughter has a half-white, half-black daughter, and two 3/4's black, 1/4 white granddaughters), and she said it's a cultural thing.

When I was in London in 1982, I went to a large farmer's market on a Sunday morning. I was amazed by how many different British accents I heard---some of them completely unrecognizable as being of the English language, and amused to hear the British blacks speaking with some of them.