Try "The Summit" on DCC gold CD (should still be around for $30- to $35-). Recorded in 1962(?) the energy and playfulness between Dean, Frank, and Sammy (are last names even needed?) is totally involving! It's a slice of American life from 40 years ago. It's interesting that some of the jokes would cause political correctness pundits to have a coronary today! But these jokes were done in the spirit of friendship, before the days of self censorship. And the recording is very good quality as well!
Sinatra - good vs great
I don't have a lot of exposure to Sinatra, but my first CD was "The Reprise Collection: The Very Good Years." It's (well, they are) an awesome performance. Even the tunes I don't particularly care for have me tapping my toes. It seems to be very involving. Based on this - I was surprised that I liked it as well as I do - I bought a copy of the Captiol Singles collection. (This is the 4-CD set, not the mammoth 21-CD version!) The new set is nice, but it's nowhere near as involving, and I can't really put my finger on why. Some of the tunes are the same. It was done earlier in his (later) career, so I doubt that it's just that he had "figured it out" - he had long ago done that. Anyone know why this one CD is so much more enjoyable than the other set?