Sims Navcom Isolation Pucks vs. SQ Isol-Pads

I am looking to apply some vibration isolation to my audio components -- CDP, Integrated Amp, DAC. As I am only starting in this area --- and an entire new rack or shelf is not an option -- I am looking for feedback on these two items.

My equipment is all solid state -- not tubes. Currently housed in a custom wood cabinet. However, some vibration in room from HVAC/Water heater when running.

Any thoughts regarding these 2 options - or others in the same cost range would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by samhar

I like Novcom pucks and Black Diamond Racing #3 & #4 cones and keep both around as I can usually get good results with one or the other, both work with SS. I usually ended with the BDR under my CDP. Presently the Novcom Pucks are under all the BDR shelves in my racks. The BDR cones come up often for sale but the pucks don't, grab some!!!
Here's some info:

My experience is the pucks keep the bass tighter than sorbothane. It's been a while but I remember thinking they reduced vibration evenly across the spectrum much better than anything I compared them with (for the sound I was looking for)