Similar sounding bands.

Television. "Marquee Moon" vs. Talking Heads.

Your call...

Showing 3 responses by ghosthouse

Czarivey - Seriously? If I'm reading it right, your last list contains some VERY
strange pairings. Even on the Oasis/Beatles link, seems I've read or heard that
comparison before. Have to say, wasn't following Oasis when they were
"happening" and being raved about. Went back way after the fact to listen to
some of their discography and it was definitely "huh?". Way underwhelming.
Beatles was definitely not something that came to mind. If you will. cite me a
couple of examples where they sound like the Beatles. I'm very curious.
Hi Martyk1 - always good to hear from you. I'm no Oasis aficionado either and do realize others have made that connection to the Beatles. Maybe I didn't listen to the right stuff by them. Beatlesque or not, what I did hear didn't leave me with a strong desire to hear more (was kind of disapointed). I would note that "being influenced by" does not automatically mean "similar sounding". At any rate, I'll check the Wikipedia entry you provided. Have to say my skepticism about the O/B connection was very definitely increased by the other "similar sounding" bands Czarivey listed.
Geoff - Good call. Black Crowes & Stones similarity - that I can absolutely hear.
BUT I'll see your Stones and raise you a Humble Pie with Chris R. absolutely
channeling Steve Marriott. Leastways in the first couple of LPs.

Hey Marty - I respect your judgement! Do me a favor (I'm really not issuing a
challenge) tell me what Oasis tracks might best show that Beatles connection. As
I said, I was way late to the Oasis party so must have missed them. I'm very
curious about it.