Simaudio Vs. Classe for Totem model 1s

I have been spending a few months deciding what amp to put with my model ones. I have narrowed it down to either classe separates (Ca-150), a classe Cap-151, or a Simaudio intergrade around $1800. Of course the Cap 151 is the cheapeast aternitived and has enough power to make the Totems happy, but if i go with simaudio, I will be getting less wattage. My question is, do you think that in THIS case, the totems would prefer more wattage over simaudio?

Showing 4 responses by valinar

I asked what your room size is and what Sim model your are thinking about because I have a pair of Model 1 Signatures that I drove with a Sim I-3se with great success in my bedroom system. The I-3se controlled the Model 1's easily with a full bottom end and rich mids and highs. The imaging was very good. I since have moved the I-3se to my living room driving a pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.4's. Last week I was considering a used Sim I-5 integrated for my Model 1's in my bedroom. I called Totem to get their thoughts on this. I was told that the I-5 should have plenty of power for them. I bought it and it should arrive in a couple of days.
If your room size is not too large a Sim/ Totem Model 1 combination should give you much listening satisfaction.
The I-3se pushed them just fine. In a room your size it should work quite well. My bedroom is 9x12. As I stated in yesterday's post I should be getting the I-5 tomorrow to use with the Model 1 Signatures in this room.
I received and set up the I-5 with my Model 1's yesterday. I have not listened extensively, but what I have heard so far is very good. It has a bit more detail than the I-3se. In your sized room either the I3se or i5 should be fine.