SimAudio Moon Series versus Accuphase

Looking to add a new pre-amp / amp to my system. I will be driving vintage Sonus Faber Extrema's. I am only interested in Class A/B design Amps at this time.These Speakers like a lot of power....

I am really only looking for opinions on the SimAudio P850 pre-amp with their 870A amp versus the Accuphase C2900 pre-amp with their P7500 amp.



Showing 1 response by usherzaleg

The reason I haven’t considered it is because I have an EMM Labs DA2V2 Dac and an Autender W20 that I like very much. The new Moon series Pre-amps are all in ones. Why pay for tech I don’t need. I still believe the 850p which remains in their line up as a superior pre-amp.