Sim Audio Moon P-5

Anyone have any experience with this unit? I am going to be home auditioning one with a W-5 amp in the coming weeks and I am curious what others have to say. I am going to weight the pros and cons of a SS vs Tubed pre. I definately am going to go SS for my amp. I have heard that the Moon P-5 has some of the qualities of tubed pre's without the hassle of tubes. Assuming tube replacement, rolling and sourcing can be called a hassle.
I don't know about "tube-like", but as a P-5 owner (latest version)I can tell you it's beautiful to look at and incredibly well built.

Sonically- which is all that REALLY matters- it's quiet, detailed, throws a wide and convincing soundstage, and reveals musical nuances with ease. I absolutely love the unit!
I had the very latest version before getting my Hovland HP-100 preamp. The P-5 plumbed deep in the bass and had a very clean but very slightly dark sound. The top to bottom continuousness was not in the same league as the HP-100 but you would not be disappointed till the HP-100 is inserted in the system and your tastes in music flushes this issue out. The P-5 worked well with a variety of amps I have around my house in various systems. The HP-100's highs seem to go out of sight into the cosmos yet are silky smooth. Some of the differences are obvious between the two preamps and some take longer listening sessions. Given the very low cost of widely available 3 tubes the Hovland uses and the fact there are only 3, this is hardly a hassle every few years. If it is a hassle our obesity problem is about to explode.

On looks the Hovland is stunning and always gets jaw drops from those that have never seen one whereas the P-5, while excellent fit and finish and a statement piece in its own right, did not conjure up that Rowlandish feeling of absolute top of the heap. As vain as this sounds I suspect Hovland owners will say this ads to pride of ownership.
I had the very latest version before getting my Hovland HP-100 preamp. The P-5 plumbed deep in the bass and had a very clean but very slightly dark sound. The top to bottom continuousness was not in the same league as the HP-100 but you would not be disappointed till the HP-100 is inserted in the system and your tastes in music flushes this issue out. The P-5 worked well with a variety of amps I have around my house in various systems. The HP-100's highs seem to go out of sight into the cosmos yet are silky smooth. Some of the differences are obvious between the two preamps and some take longer listening sessions. Given the very low cost of widely available 3 tubes the Hovland uses and the fact there are only 3, this is hardly a hassle every few years. If it is a hassle our obesity problem is about to explode.

On looks the Hovland is stunning and always gets jaw drops from those that have never seen one whereas the P-5, while excellent fit and finish and a statement piece in its own right, did not conjure up that Rowlandish feeling of absolute top of the heap. As vain as this sounds I suspect Hovland owners will say this ads to pride of ownership.

In summary, I would say that the P-5 has deeper, more powerful bass like my former Sonic Frontiers SFL2, a very clean and delightful presentation, exceptional looks and an incredible value on the used market and will mate very well with a broader range of amps, than say, the Hovland HP-100.
I run a P-5 in to a Bryston 3bst amp. I would probably not agree that the P-5 is tube like, except that it has a continuous presentation that many attribute to tubes. The P-5 does avoid some of the common pit falls of SS pre-amps in that it avoids etching, hyper detailing, and adding grain.

If anything I would say that it is slightly dark but very neutral to the source. Unfortunately this means you need a good source to be happy. Very nice pre-amp to use, and I like the looks.

I have much more often seen the W-5 described as having a tube like sweetness. The combo should be good.

Try connecting them in balanced mode. This produced a nice improvement in my system.

old thread, but if anyone is still wondering ...........

I had the P5LE with separate power supply. One of the most detailed pre's I have listened to, and the soundstage was quite impressive as well.