Sim audio cd players any comments ?

I just discovered how good sim audio is when I added the p-5 preamp to my w-5 power amp. Should I be looking at the cd players too and which ones should I look to acquire. Are there other brands I should consider that will match my set up that includes the merlin vsm speakers. thank you.
I had an Orbiter for a short time. I thought it sounded great for two channel, slightly more relaxed than my Esoteric DV-50. The only reason I got rid of it was because there was no way of adjusting the individual channel levels for multi-channel music.
"The only reason I got rid of it was because there was no way of adjusting the individual channel levels for multi-channel music."

That's what the preamp is for. ;-)

Kal (enjoying the Orbiter)
I run a complete Simaudio stack; P-5, W-5 and Eclipse. I couldn't be happier with the Eclipse. I run the system fully balanced which I feel is necessary to achieve the best performance from these products. The Eclipse really is a stunning player. I've been in the industry for some time and I have yet to hear a player as well balanced (no pun intended) as the Eclipse at its price point. And if you're already using a P-5/W-5 combination I feel that you really owe it to yourself to audition the Eclipse. If necessary also borrow balanced cables to hear the system completely balanced.
Kal, funny that's what Simaudio said! I don't share that point of view though.

The Orbiter is still a great piece. It just wasn't that much better than my other player for me to start changing my whole system to try to accommodate it.
I auditioned a simaudio eclipse in my system for about a week and could not hear any improvements over my old cal audio ikon mk II which I still have. Dan