Silverline Sonata II or Sonatina II

After completing purchasing a tube amp, I am ready to buy a pair of efficient speakers. These two seems to be highly recommended by some of the on-line reviews.

I have a rather average size room 19x11ft. Which is more appropriate?

The Sonata seems to have a very large baffle area and I don't know if it might have adversed effect on the soundstage and the ability to disappear, whereas the Sonatina is a much narrower design.
The review from Soundstage actually commented that the Sonata even with its larger size seems to have a more solid soundstage and holographic image.

Are the Living Voice a good alternatives?
Ihave the Sonata II, and LOVE THEM! My room is not much bigger- 19 x 13. The Sonatas are a big speaker, and do't like to be right next to the wall, so they do take up space. Having said that, they are a lot less fussy about placement as some other speakers. I highly reccomend them, if you can spare the room. One note of caution- the spikes are very fragile- if you have to move the speaker, walk it VERY GENTLY or better yet, take out the spikes. Don't tighten the speaker binding posts with a wrench either. Luckily I live a quick trip away from Alan's shop.
I added Rel Strata III sub to my Silverline Sonatina II, and seemed to add an extraordinary amount of grace and depth and beauty to the sound. I could swear that the treble and midrange actually sound better in addition to the bass - is this possible? (overtones?)

I like the slim look footprint of the Sonatina II, and so prefer to work with it rather than get a wider speaker. Also I added sistrum stands under the Sonatina II (using brass cups between speaker and stand), and wow, nice difference.

I must say though that the praise for the Sonata in this thread has got me thinking....

I haven't heard the Sonata's, although I own a pair of the Sonatina II's and I think they're great. As with most things, more money will attain an improvement....although with sound, hearing is the true test and no 2 people hear exactly the same. I too run a sub (an M&K MX100) and the combo is thrilling.