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Once you reach a certain degree of silver wire purity is there a discernible audible difference in your opinion? For example 5N compared with 7N. I have a Vogue Audio 7N OCC silver power cable and it’s very good . But I feel the same with regard to my Lavricables power cables which are 5N silver. I can affirm that both are very high quality excellent products.
I have tried 7N, because I do not have a reliable source for silver of this purity. Remember that 7N is 100X as pure as 5N. It would also be a pita to handle without contaminating it.
I have tested several wire samples at the Anchor Group in the UK. They specialize in precious metal certification. Some samles supposed to be 5N did not even reach 4N!
I suspect that many cable manufacturers trust that their raw wire suppliers deliver what they are supposed to when it comes to purity. They often do not.
I see that eg. Vogue Audio says "7N OCC silver singular multicore bonded". What does "bonded" mean? Is is silver bonded to copper (i.e silver clad), or is it 7N silver all through?
11AWG per pole of 7N OCC silver would be extremely expensive.