Silver cables added resolution

Hi All,
I’ve been able to test some silver cables, and they seem to perform differently (in a good way) from the Copper ones. With the current cables I have one point where it seems to be very clear is the added resolution, specifically at the top end.

On my system, and because of the added resolution, it seems I now hear more of the mains noise.,I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences and what they did to reduce the mains noise perception?

Thanks in advance

OFC copper has a Conductivity of 100 (from AES=Audio Engineering Society) and is the Standard in Audio.
Technical silver has conductivity 106 (Gold btw. 90)
That means, Silver can carry 6% more information than anything else. This is fact.
But, it can be decreased by the kind of solder, the kind of plugs which are used (cable or Phono input), from the Phono input to the cable ...
Bob Graham - for example - did his homework and delivers his Arm with Silver cable inside, his own IC-70 is silver cable...
You can ask 50 audiophiles and you will get 50 recommendations, that is fine, but what you do when from these 50 only 5 made the right decision?
It is better to trust Physics, it can help sometimes :-)
Hi All,
If we don’t take in to account the cable geometry and construction, Silver and Cooper cables play different just because they are different materials. If one likes Silver over Copper or the other way around please open a different post.

This post is about what can one do to reduce noise flor on a system with Silver cables.


I have full silver cabling for speakers and interconnect from Argento Serenity signature and Acoustic Zen Absolute (old version full silver) . I agree with "ghdprentice" comment, you must have excellent elements in your gear to use silver cables otherwise you can face hardness but in high end chain the gain is important.
My silver plated QED Anniversary biwire cables sound good to me. Best of both worlds, copper and silver. This cable has won awards for many years, the reason is it sounds good.
In every situation i have been listening, i and my former hifi buddy did find silver to be hissed and anemic. I have had AQ Sky and Raven here (aswell as lesser known brands) and i sold all of them. Honestly, i will never again buy any silver cable. Copper all through. Nothing with silver strands or such will be in any of my devices either if i can avoid it. It’s my personal feel towards silver. I talked to a guy who updated Tidal speakers with some better components (yes, it was much silver involved, internal cables and components). He sold them afterwards. He told me the update was not to his liking. I have also been told, for years and years that silver is done bad if it sounds anemic or you hear a hiss. But in that case i find i have only ever experienced bad silver. I know Jorma cables also refuse using silver. So that would include Marten design speakers to i guess. Well, for those who like it, it’s ofcourse fine.