SignalScope FFT Analyzer for Setting Azimuth

Has anyone used the FFT Analyzer function on the SignalScope program and tracks 2 & 3 on side 1 of the Analogue Productions Ultimate Test Record to set azimuth on their cartridge? Which measurement do you use for measuring the crosstalk? Is it Standard Deviation, Varience (Unbiased) or something else?

Showing 2 responses by lewm

Pitbull, There is disagreement even among the extreme cognoscenti about whether the goal should be equal crosstalk in both channels or best possible crosstalk in EACH channel, while disregarding any difference between the two channels.  One thing is for sure, you usually cannot have it both ways; the setting that gives equal crosstalk, L into R and R into L, will generally not be the same as the setting that gives the best possible numbers, in terms of db. That's my personal experience, and it fits with what has been written. You can find essays on this subject at Vinyl Asylum and possibly on Vinyl Engine.
I use a now ancient Signet Cartridge Analyzer and the Shure test LP made to work with the Signet.  I agree with Captain Winters; I don't see why you'd need to use FFT, but I guess your question is related to the fact that you already own the computer program of which it is a part. Therefore, you wouldn't have to spend any more money. The Signet has a 'scope output, optional. I do own a 'scope but I've never connected it to the Signet. I just use the built-in db meter.