Siemens CCa vs. Amperex 6922 D getter

I have a Audio Note P3 Silver with a Dodd battery pre amp. The Dodd calls for a 6922.

The Amperex WL GP PQ D getter in comparison to the CCa in my set up sounds dazed and confused. It is like a dirty window that needs cleaning when I insert the CCa.

I had the Amperex three weeks before the CCa came on the scene. When I first put the CCa in the music seemed to jump out of the speakers with such clairity that I was shocked that the Amperex somehow lost all that info.

So much for MR. Joe's report on the 6922. In my system they rock. I must say they work better with the TS 6SN7 RP than the Sylvania W metal. YMMV.

Anyone else have this experence?

Showing 1 response by onemug

I heard the Amperex's in the Dodd and thought they were great. I use them and Siemens in my Art Audio Alana pre.

Have you tried switching left and right? With the Dodd only using half the triode in each tube, you might notice a difference if one of the sides is a little off. Cost = 0.

It does sound like it could be weak tubes though. I have an amp that was starting to sound a little flat. I changed the output tubes, no luck, changed rectifiers, no luck. It uses 6922's and 12bh7's in the driver/gain stage, replaced them, bingo. All the dynamics/transients were back and it was day and night, not audiophile split hairs different.

I think you'll like the 7308's when you get them.