
Some recordings I hear it, sometimes I don’t. I just listened to "Time" from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon through BluOS and my Bluesound Node 2i, upgraded CJ PV-10AL, Emotiva XPA-2 Gen3, and Maggie 1.7is. It’s very noticeable to me on "S"s and high hat on that song. Thoughts?

Showing 4 responses by jkf011

Well, oddly, it comes and goes even in the "Time" recording I have in the Gold Mobile Fidelity Ultradisk! I can't afford several thousand dollars for Maggie stands nor do I need them any taller lol. I probably can't afford any fix but I am curious what's causing it.  
Preamp has isolators not cd player (short of what was provided stock) or Bluesound 2i. 
That would be a huge waste of time and esp money even if my wife would allow room trat wants which she won't. I have to do all audiophilia on shoestring budget and no credit. Where do you people get all this money? Buying room treatments, much less ever upgrading a component for those kind of dollars (even interconnects and such), to me, would be the same as financing a trip to Pluto - and we make good money but we have a lot of expenses and other hobbies. If I never wanted to travel, ride bikes or motorcycles, have a car, etc. then I'd spend crazy money on audio. I can't. 

But, much more importantly,  the problem, I think, is my ears. I hear it only on certain tracks from all sources - even the car! I googled sibilance related to hearing problems there's nothing on the internet.  Guess I'll just have to suffer.