Sibilance -- that last little bit...

I have the ever so slightest bit of sibilance toward the end of some LP's.

The Lp's themselves are minty, so I know it isn't the Lp's. (more than one LP rules that out.)

Striving for that last lil touch is gonna drive me nuts!

I have a Well Tempered Classic V, and the arm is a real pain in the ass to set up. Anti skate comes to mind, but that is a real pain-- grrr. Then again more VTF comes to mind as well.

The cart is at the higher end of the recommended VTF -- 1.8 grams.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

But in the mean time, is really does sound pretty sweet.

Thanks in advance.


A new cart is in the works--- but ya know the upgrade-itis bug.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by zargon

Try examining the needle, head on, with a magnifier to see if it appears perpendicular to the cartridge base and/or headshell top. If not, I believe you need to adjust azimuth until the needle is perpendicular to the record/platter surface. Adjusting the cartridge base and/or headshell top in this case would not result in the proper azimuth.

I have noticed needles that are not set properly in the cantilever by up to several degrees and this can make a discernable difference in the quality of the sound. The relationship of the needle to the record in azimuth and SRA is everything.