47k or 100k res. depending on the degree you enjoy hf detail. Shure recommended 400-500pF cap., mid. harmonics don't open up until loaded above 300pF, Stanwal is correct.
If you're seeking a consensus, search over at AudioKarma, lots of afficiandos of the venerable type 111 there, 400pF total is nearly universally agreed upon. Personal preference is 400pF + low cap. IC's for mid/uppermid clarity and 100k Ohms for crisp hf's, this may be too forward for some tastes.
Trivia: The stylus is at 15* for the original model resulting in the "V15" label. The V15 Imp. and t-111 were in production during RIAA Standards transitions in the early '70's, don't hesitate in trying a slightly neg. VTA if stylus is OEM, replacement styli are whatever they are. Good luck with your project.