Shunyatas New CX series

I looked for the thread where someone inquired if anyone had heard the new Shunyata power cords, but it's gone. Hence, new thread.

In the last 3 weeks, I've purchased the Python CX and then again, I got a new baby -- Viper CX.
As I said in my other post, there's no distinction between Alpha and Helix lines. It's two (slap), two (slap) two cords in 1 (apologies to the old two-mints-in-one commercial).
As I also said before, I wasn't expecting to hear a noticeable difference. BUT. BUT. I did.
Already covered the lowering of grain so that a fine mist - or grain - in the soundfield, is gone. What was the Python.
Having had to endure the Viper CX that came in 10 minutes ago on an Arcam FMJ22 while awaiting the Antique Sound Labs Flora premap's arrival, I wasn't expecting much. Got it, though, and right off the bat. Now, you may say, well, it could sound "exciting" because it's cold. And in other circumstances, I might agree. But I've had every generation of Shunyatas and none, out of the box made me cock my head like a dog who hears something nobody else can hear.
Even on the Viper (and I prefer the more expensive cords because, lets face it, they put more into them), the dynamic jump was obvious, the grain lower and more fluid--just like the Python. Obviously, I'm not going to make up stories about how the soundfield expanded: it's 10 minutes old, dummy! Like I should know from that?!?!? Suffice it to say, for $700, it made me take noitce in a way that my older Python Helix Alpha and VX didn't themselves do, right out of the box. I use the lazy ear approach: pay zero attention and see if your attention is captured despite yourself. I'm not yet captured, but I'm sure snagged. I think Shunyata surpassed their old bugaboos: a slightly soft upper midrange and lower treble (those hits on triangles not only lacked punch, they lacked transient bite and, even more, shimmer). Can't tell about the shimmer now, but I'm taking the day off work. I'm snagged ENOUGH and that works for me. '
I'd recommend starting with a Viper, because I KNOW you'll hear it, and if you can hear it from the lower cords in the range, you can expect jumps from the higher ones. One Python and One Viper today: 2 more Pythons in a couple of weeks (there goes the summer vacation in Ibiza, but given the medical things happening, I'll just have to use my imagination when I'm listening to Chabrie that I'm in sunny Spain or on Ibiza. I think with these cords, I could fool myself [don't worry, I've have the fan on to simulate the breeze]).
Try these out guys. I'm using Ushers, and driven by ASL Hurricanes and the Cambridge Audio 840C with transparent interconnects/speaker cable. (yeah, yeah, stifle yourselves. I have Shunyata speaker cable and interconnects too, but this is what's in the system at the moment and I'm HIGHLY analytical. Never change a compoenent during a controlled experiment)

Oh, one more thing: the tonal quality of groups has improved in the new iteration of cords: brass are a LITTLE golden, strings silvery, and on Balalaika, I actually heard more of the body of the instrument, which is to say, instead of just strings, there's more texture, so it doesn't sound like it could just be a guitar. Quite a jump in the line's resolution, especially the low-level resolution...Maybe it's the midbass-to-lower midrange dynamics, which SEEM more powerful. OR maybe it's the fumes from that Rogaine I just put on my scalp ...

Showing 12 responses by sherod

Thanks for your review. I'm glad that you are liking these new Shunyata VX cords. I started with the original Taipan and liked it very much on my ss preamp. I sold it eventually to upgrade to the Taipan Alpha version and wasn't very impressed. I then decided to change out electronic components and tried other power cord lines. Because of my lack of enthusiasm for the Alpha version, I hesitated in trying out the Helix when it came out. Now that you've shared your great enthusiasm for the new CX version, I might just give Shunyata another try. I'd appreciate hearing your impressions of these cords after a few hundred hours of further conditioning in your system.
Has anyone tried out the new Sidewinder CX model? I'm looking for a good cord for my tuner. Hey! Don't laugh. My tuner is one of my most used sources. I'm currently using an older Acoustic Zen Tsunami with a Wattgate 330i male plug( much better than the stock Hubbell plug). Anyway, the AZ Tsunami and new Shunyata Sidewinder CX are priced the same so this would be a good comparison for those on a budget for source components. The Tsunami is 11 gauge while the Sidewinder CX is 12 gauge. Both are more than adequate for lower power drawing sources, IMHO.
That's an interesting question, Gbmcleod. I have new interconnects just introduced to my system, so too many variables. I'm thinking that prior to adding the new interconnects cymbals might have been a bit soft-sounding, but until I get everything broken into the system, I'm not sure yet. I also have two other very good cords that I'll be substituting for the Python CX for comparison. Can you give us your impressions of the sound of percussion instruments in your system with the Python Cx?
Well, rather than debate about getting a new Sidewinder Cx or Viper Cx, I just made a deal on a mint, used Python CX. I can't wait to try it on various components. Hopefully it will synergize somewhere and I'll be a happy camper. Thanks, Gbmcleod, for your personal usage information.
It's only been a couple of weeks, but I'm liking the Python CX very much on my tube preamp. I haven't tried it anywhere else because it sounds so great on the preamp. Hmmmm, maybe I'll just leave it there for awhile. (o:
It's interesting that the Python CX sounded bright on your preamp as it also initially sounded bright on mine as well, but I left it on the preamp and after running it 24/7 for a week there, the brightness subsided and more of a neutral tonal balance came through. I've not yet tried it on any other components because I wanted it to fully acclimate with my preamp to give me a firm conclusion of its sound. I might take it out this weekend and put back in the previous cord for a few hours of listening. I'm convinced, though, that this new CX version is indeed better than its previous versions, although I never did have the last Alpha version for evaluation, but I did have the Tiapan Alpha for a short while.
I'm suspecting that although these new CX series seem to sound half-way decent upon first listen, they still require some time to smooth out. The first two weeks with mine was a tad too 'articulate", as you mentioned. I came close to taking it off the preamp a few days ago and trying it on the amp, but I hung tight and toughed it out some more and was soon rewarded for my patience. Going into my 3rd week with my Python CX it has continued to smooth out with a more refined, neutral character with a more natural articulation of notes. Female voices, especially, are very mesmerizing and enjoyable when listening with this cord. I'm also guessing that had I started the Python CX on my amp, the extra current would have helped expedite the break-in. Since the preamp is a lower current drawing component, the Python CX, with its large 9 gauge conductors, might take a month or so to fully flesh out. We'll see. One aspect I have also noted is that the soundstage with this new Python is HUGE! happy listening. (o:
I'm glad to hear that things worked out for you. The Python CX continues to smooth out with time. At this point, on my preamp, any over-emphasis of articulation is gone for me. Nothing but the music. Did I mention that female voices sound wonderful through this cord? (o:
Yes, the 3-D effect is one of the great new attributes of this new Python CX along with the wonderful depth, height and width in the soundstage. Dynamics( micro and macro) is another great attribute. The power cord continues to improve on my preamp with each day that passes, unravelling nuances unheard of through other power cords. I sure do feel sorry for those who feel that power cords don't make a difference. Man, are they missing out in this hobby. (o:
I have also read where more and more people are seeing the importance of a good power cord in their system. Some actually saying that it's more like a component upgrade. I have found that it is all a sum of its parts thing. The power cord is important, but it also helps to have clean power coming to that cord. The interconnects are also extremely important. Power cords and interconnects perform different functions, but they work together in a system's approach. So many variables are there to address when piecing a system together that gels just right, where the music flows naturally, unimpeded with a purity that makes us feel like we are soaring with the eagles when the music is playing.
What's your opinion of the sound of percussion with the Python CX in the system?
Thanks for your thoughts on the new King Cobra CX. I currently have the Python CX and based on my experience with the previous versions of the Pythons, the new CX is a leap forward in better performance. You also hit it on the nose with the use of "romantic" in describing the sound. Apparently this romance is a signature of the new CX series. The Python CX, with a 9 gauge total conductor size, performs well on source components. I currently have it alternating on my preamp with other cords I'm experimenting with. Enjoy your new Shunyata cords. (o:
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