Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance

Showing 4 responses by hkmatch23

I think like all components of the audio chain they are system dependent and more importantly listener preferences.

I've compared the Cobra ztron with the Python cx and the Anaconda cx with the Python ztron. I preferred the cx combination. In my system the Cobra was indeed faster, livelier, but lost body and bass. Soundstage narrowed and presentation became forward. The difference of the cobra with Python cx is very evident from the start. Comparing Python ztron to the Anaconda cx I found the ztron to sound bigger, more bass and body but slower. Bass is not as tight as Anaconda but soundstage wider and deeper. Overall slightly darker sounding. I heard more details with the Anaconda.

I say system dependent because I use cx all the way from source to amps so that may have contributed to the presentation I heard. If I compared the all cx system with an all ztron system perhaps my findings will be different.

Which ones are better? Who knows. Only you can decide what kind of presentation you like.

Yes, your assumption is correct. Both Cobra and Python ztrons have been broken in substantially and given time to settle. I've compared the Cobra ztron against the Python cx but not the Anaconda cx. I've compared the Python ztron against the Anaconda cx. The Python ztron made the presentation darker, and a little slower but made the soundstage wider and deeper. To some that could be a welcome tradeoff but I prefered the Anaconda cx's presentation. I'd welcome the wider and deeper soundstage though if the change in presentation was not obvious.
The ztrons might be better compared to the cx line in terms of measurement using the DTCD but it does not mean the sound will be better (in your system). Only you can decide that.

There's also a possibility that the true potential of the ztrons were impeded by the rest of the system using the cx line. Perhaps a better comparison should have been an all cx line against an all ztron line. Unfortunately there weren't enough ztron power cords to go around to make that comparison possible.

If possible the best thing is to try both lines. If you prefer the cx line in your system then you are in luck since they are probably going to go down in price.

Sometimes there are instances where the moment you try a new component you immediately know something is not right. Listening longer will only lengthen the uneasiness. Of course one must be familiar with the recording to know something is amiss. While there are instances where it takes time for you to realize that you prefer the new component over the old one and vice versa.
The key word will always be "preference".

The best way for you to know which component benefits the most is to try it yourself. However, you will need at least 2 Anacondas if your amp uses a c19 inlet. While I have read that the source should have the biggest effect, in my system it was not the case. The biggest preferable effect came from changing the preamp powercord.