Shunyata " Copperhead " ........user's feedback

Anyone use the Copperhead and what did you think . I generally worry that companies put there best in their top of the line product ( MONEY IS NO OBJECT ) and then there lower product is just riding on there name . Any feedback appreciated , thank you.....
Thanks for the responses.

I have had the Shunyata Copperhead for a couple of days now. I have been out of audio for about 5yrs now and just getting back into it . I am by no means an audiophile with golden ears , but i like having nice stuff . I just bought my Krell 400xi and like i said starting to get back into it. I use to have as part of my set up a Krell KSA300S (Big amp) and when i bought it they recommended a power cable as part of the deal . I dont know the brand of cable but it is very nice and well built , it was a used cable but was expensive . I planned on using it with my new Krell 400xi but snooping around different website's i ran across the company "Shunyata" . I did alot of reading and was impressed with reviews by consumers and endorsements by some huge name studio's . So curiousity got the best of me and wanted to try the product , again im not a big audiophile but wanting nice stuff i ordered the Copperhead. After all i can sell it if i dont like it , i would lose a couple of bucks but gain some knowledge and thats worth something . Money is an issue right now so i started with there lower tier line , they recommend the Copperhead for high current amps . I have had the power cable for a couple of days and have demo'd it against my previous cable. The difference to me was this , the Shunyata Copperhead seemed tighter, smoother and less noise . I was very impressed initially with the build quality, and now hearing a differance, makes the purchase complete. This is not much of a review , but it is my finding from a guy that likes nice stuff . Thanks to the folks at Shunyata. Take care........Mike
Audphile is right. The Taipan Alpha is better. I really like mine. I let a friend of mine use my Taipan Alpha and he sold his Copperhead and bought to TA's. The Copperhead is a great PC for the money no doubt.