Shunyata Gemini or Hydra Delta D6 & What XC cable

Hi All.  I am seeking input from those with more experience than me.  I am shopping for a power conditioner.  Does anyone have any advice, comparisons, or comments between the Gemini or Hydra Delta D6?  I listened to the Gemini in my system and it made a nice improvement, so that is my first choice at this stage, but I want to ask if anyone has further comments in favor of the Hydra Delta D6 (older, but up the product line a bit).  I am leaning toward not plugging the amps into the power conditioner at this stage so I could get by with 4 outlets.  

I also need a XC cable.  I could pick up a used Venom XC, but more likely a Gamma XC, or save up for the Delta XC, but some posts suggest that the Gamma is a good match with the Gemini. Has anyone matched the Gamma XC with the Gemini?   My only preference based on reading other posts is to select a cable that does not make my system brighter.  

Any advice based on experience is welcome.  Thank you.    


Showing 2 responses by bolong

My personal experience is that the XC's are best for the Hydra conditioners and that the NR's are best for components. My latest "discovery" has been that an Alpha NR V2 works best for the CD transport but also that the Delta V2 NR is needed for the DAC directly below the transport because it boosts scale and access to enough loudness without distortion. The Alpha is the "clean machine" but it is a tad too reserved. The addition of the Delta in the chain tempers the reservedness with more available loudness and dynamic punch though you would think this relationship would be in the reverse. Kind of reminds me of my paternal grandparents.

I use an old Shunyata Hydra 4 and plug only the CD transport source into it - everything else goes to the wall which is a dedicated line. The CD transport cable is an old Shunyata Alpha V2 NR which has always been composed and slightly treble polished. All other components go straight to the wall via Level 3 Anticables. Recently, 3 of my newer components have finally broken in, so there has been the usual rearrangement of cables and interconnects which as everybody here knows can be suspenseful and tedious but usually well worth the attention.

This audiophile thing improves hearing acuity and sensitivity over time as my wife will attest to - she definitely can tell that my hearing has improved not structurally but in the way I pay more attention to all sounds - not just music. I have become as everybody else here a "hearer."