@sfpeloton - certainly appreciate your thoughts. I will go and check out the recent thread you referenced.
My system leans towards the warm side bssed on my Modwright LS99 preamp with tubes.
Shunyata Ethernet Cable User Experience- Delta vs Theta
Yes, I know it depends on my individual system, cables don't matter, etc....
I would really appreciate hearing from a few Audiogon members that have experience with either/both of these cables. I plan on purchasing one of these to replace my DH Labs Reunion ethernet cable, which is solid but I am willing to go up a step and try a new cable out. I know the Delta has been replaced in the Shunyata lineup and was a higher level cable - I can pick up a lightly used one for the mid $500's. A new Theta would be right at $500. Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks....
If the Theta speaker cables are any indication of the performance of the entire Theta line then the ethernet cable is worth a try. I have Theta speaker cables and have been extremely impressed. Currently comparing them against Cardas Clear. |
@jim2 -thanks for your thoughts and I will let you know once i move forward with an ethernet cable
I have been using the Shunyata Sigma USB or about 5 years now. I have not found any cable that bettered it. I am curious about the Snake River Boomslang USB. As far as ethernet, I should probably look to more research, but grabbed an Avanti here and run it through an ADD-PWR I/O unit. If the Shunyata ethernet is as good as the USB it might be a winner. |