Shunyata Ethernet Cable User Experience- Delta vs Theta

Yes, I know it depends on my individual system, cables don't matter, etc....

I would really appreciate hearing from a few Audiogon members that have experience with either/both of these cables.  I plan on purchasing one of these to replace my DH Labs Reunion ethernet cable, which is solid but I am willing to go up a step and try a new cable out.  I know the Delta has been replaced in the Shunyata lineup and was a higher level cable - I can pick up a lightly used one for the mid $500's.  A new Theta would be right at $500.   Any thoughts appreciated!  Thanks....


@sfpeloton - certainly appreciate your thoughts.  I will go and check out the recent thread you referenced.  

My system leans towards the warm side bssed on my Modwright LS99 preamp with tubes.  

I know we have a few Shunyata users in the Audiogon tribe! I am looking to move forward next week and would appreciate any counsel.  Thanks in advance....

If the Theta speaker cables are any indication of the performance of the entire Theta line then the ethernet cable is worth a try.  I have Theta speaker cables and have been extremely impressed.  Currently comparing them against Cardas Clear.  

Good luck as I'm looking for an ethernet cable as well.  If you go the Theta ethernet please share how you like it.  

Thank you. 

@jim2 -thanks for your thoughts and I will let you know once i move forward with an ethernet cable


I have been using the Shunyata Sigma USB or about 5 years now. I have not found any cable that bettered it. I am curious about the Snake River Boomslang USB. As far as ethernet, I should probably look to more research, but grabbed an Avanti here and run it through an ADD-PWR I/O unit.

If the Shunyata ethernet is as good as the USB it might be a winner.