Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables

I listened to these and was going to buy until a fell on my house and all the rest of Connecticut and knocked out our power. I'm sure you all know the story by now.
I still got to listen to these, and I'd love to hear from others who HAVE listened to them. I thought them excellent, excellent cables, with body in the bass as well as dynamics, but also in the upper midrange and treble ranges, without losing dynamics. And the sense of "continuity" is stronger than with my Andromedas (circa 2003) or Geminis.
They did a killer job with this CX interconnect/speaker line: tonally, spatially, coherence (the cello sounds great on this line, not as great on the Andomedas) with an absence of grain (haze?) altogether. Friggin' beautiful, but not in the sense of being colored. And the slight darkness of older Shunyata lines (mostly the power cords)is absent, and therefore a much more "elegant" sound: they hold together very well at crescendos and flutes don't disappear at fortissimos, as they tended to do when violins played in the same range. And nobody crowds anyone out, as though they're playing in an old-fashioned coke bottle and whoever's "sound" gets out first "squeezes" the other instruments' contributions. Nope, it's more like someone cut off the top 1/3 of the Coke bottle, and now ALL the instruments have equal access to do their bit when everyone's playing at the same time. Nordost has done this, too, but with a thinning out of the timbre usually (and I own [right now, this very minute] all the Nordost, from Quattro Fils, up to Valkyrjas, to Freys to Tyrs to Valhallas, so I'm not hallucinating!!!

So, what are others' impressions? I'm excited for Shunyata.
P.S. Equipment: First Sound Deluxe Mk II, ASL Hurricanes, Odyssey Kartago amps; Nola Viper IIA, Hales Rev 3, Sound Dynamics RTS 3 speakers; Arcam FMJ 23, Arcam FMJ DVD 27 Bryston BDA-1 digital; Nordost Sort Kones, Shunyata CX Python power cords, Quantum QBase and QRT Harmonizers.

Showing 3 responses by dadsears

Last week Santa brought a pair of Python speaker cables (said to be demos). My only frame of reference is with my long term (5 years or so) Kimber 8TC (newest version with WBT term's). With my set up I was somewhat surprised there was not more of a revelation going to the Pythons. Your comments do fit what small differences I heard, however. I have no other experience with Shunyata speaker cables, although I have had mostly Shunyata power and signal cables and Hydra 4 conditioner in my set up for the last 6 years or so. The reason why I describe all this is that the (Shunyata) upgrades leading up to the Python SCs were of greater benefit as my ears have heard. The greatest gain was the addition of the Shunyata Talos; it replaced a Hydra 4. The difference was night and day for the better. I have concluded that the addition of the Talos is on the order of going from a marginal CD player to a great balanced CD player (as I recently have - so I speak from experience). I am not familiar with your equipment but would suggest you attempt to audition a Talos (or Triton) before upgrading this next year.
FYI, my present set up: Shunyata Talos, Anaconda CX, Python CX, Telwire cord, Simaudio Supernova (CD), Simaudio 600i, Sony 5400es (SACD), Python ICs, balanced, Python SCs, Dynaudio Focus 140, Magnapan MMG, and 1.6 (highly modified). Happy listening.
I am thinking this new addition of the Shunyata Python SCs may be one of those changes that is heard over the long term vs. short term A/B testing. And I will check the connections as I am unfamiliar with the bananas such as these have. The true test will be when I reinsert the Kimber 8TC back into the system.
As for my experience, it is interesting that the major improvements in musicality have come from the "power side" and not the "signal side". And this is not just about the upgrading to the Triton, but even going from a Shunyata Python CX 20A to a Anaconda CX (20A) between wall and Hydra 4. How the venues made themselves more clearly defined, and with the volume level going up, are only 2 of many noted changes for the better.
I will give the Python SCs time to burn in; thus far the differences are not so easily heard. About the idea of upper end Kimbers: interesting to ponder, frankly I would rather stick with the likes of Shunyata products. The idea being synergy and more of a known sound. Thanks for your comments.
Over the last week or so I had taken out the MMG (planar) speakers in my system and used only my Dynaudio Focus 140s to compare the Python speaker cables with the Kimber 8TCs. The Pythons "sound" broken in. My initial findings of only noted small changes for the better using the Pythons with the MMGs has since turned outside down.
The use of the Python speaker cables with the Dynaudios was so much more noticable. No Golden Ears, squinting or doubt about it - the Pythons were so much better than the Kimber 8TC in every regard - there was simply no sense to try and compare the 2. The Pythons are in a league way ahead of the Kimbers. The most obvious points of improvement with the Python speaker cables: greater palpability, better timbre, and a life-like resolution. Finally, the use of the Pythons was such that it made listening easier, and hence allowed for longer listening.
The Telwire "Cord" is a power cord (~$800) I have had for the last 4 or so years, and throughout the upgrades of all Shunyata p.c.s - this Telwire is the best I have found for digital sources up to my acquiring Python CX cords. It has no faults and does several things really well, but not as completely compared to the Python CX. In general, it was about as good as the Python Alpha Helix, but it was able to get better low level detail. It is also unique in that it is almost limp in the hand; it is very flexible, and has a type of soft Tech Flex covering. Never tried it vs. the Black Mamba CX, as I went from the PAH to PCX (then Anaconda CX). Have not heard about the newest (Zitron) Shunyata power cords, but would recommend checking the great deal on the Anaconda CX at MD. Got lotsa' great listen' ahead.
Correction: one of my last posts mentions Triton; I have the Talos.