Show off!

What is your go to album to show off what your system can do?



I do! A lot! In my opinion all tracks on this cd are perfectly recorded, mixed and mastered. Each single tone is as it should be. All bass tones, even the deepest and loudest, are clearly definable with individual start and stop. When you are able to reproduce this in your room (probably not in a car...) you can also enjoy the mids and highs and discover the dynamics and 3D. You will need serious dsp :)

Another popular "electronic" test song would be Anette Askvik - Liberty. Same here - not possible to understand in full before you hear it on a system + room in perfect balance.

a few years ago i purchased a classical symphonic work because it was highly regarded both artistically and technically as best i recall by those no doubt much more knowledgeable than myself i.e. to wit Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade Reiner Chicago Symphony Living Stereo Amazon link below

i just now learned of Grammy Awards for Engineering . i may consider increasing my collection from that list to impress no-one but myself  - Cheerios

Album, Stone Temple Pilots,Core  HDCD, Song, “Dead And Bloated”. Wonderful opening, bass hits hard. For vocals , Carly Simon, “Letters Never Sent”. For overall presentation I play anything by Foreplay.