SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here

Seeing a few random responses in other threads, but thought it would be nice if we could have a single thread to try to consolidate at least a "best of" compilation of speaker impressions. All cost ranges. All of us "stay at home" agoners would appreciate it. Thanks much.
In no particular order, I liked the:

Gershman/VAC room
Vitus/Marten(Coltrane Momento)room - great sound
Tidal Contriva/Ypsilon room
Scaena/Mac/DCS room (best imaging - went to 115db with no distortion - pretty impressive)
Ayon room
Oceanway Audio room

Don't feel its very constructive to go through the rooms I didn't care for, but at least most of the manufacturers were very nice, with one glaring exception. Once again, Magico's attitude was very poor - I will never again try to listen to his speakers, in fact you couldn't PAY me enough to listen to them, much less try them in my system. Way to burn another bridge.....
If I may ask who was using 10T's to demo at teh show this year? I am not saying it didnt happent but it seems kind of strange.
Fplanner2010, I agree with you 110%. they have a very poor attitude no question about it. Last year at CES Alon himself actually put his hand on my chest as I came the room and told me I "had to leave" as he was giving a magazine reviewer a private listneing session. No susprise that after that most of the mag reveiwers practically came out of their shorts in praising the M5's. I pushed his hand off and knocked over his brouchers as I walked out. what a punk and arrogant company.

Only attended Flamingo THE show... so very limited view here...

Absolutely loved two speakers.

PBN Montana ESP 2 & Sanders (former Innersound) model 10.

Roger Sanders speaker's pure & clear sonic sound blew my mind away. The image was so clear, my ear had hard time adjusting to it.

Peter's Montana ESP 2 gave me a goose bump...
Oh, it was heavenly.
(It's a $10K speaker but pushed by Edge's much more expensive amp though)