Should we upgrade high end fuses?

Have anyone try these fuses? since we put lots of money for better power cord, power line or power condition etc, but at the end power has to go through the stock fuse... Please share your experience. Thanks.

Showing 6 responses by dopogue

Yes, Porziob, I'm sure you tried them in your system. I made the mistake of
trying them in mine and now own five of them. Couldn't be more surprised.
Kinda logical, when you think about it, assuming that you believe there are
differences in the sound of cables and the fuses are clearly the weakest links.
Granted, the price is absurd.
Edkoz, I guess you need to work on your comprehension. Or maybe the resolving power of your system. Sorry about that :-)
In all honesty, I can't detect any difference either with respect to directionality. But the gold fuses -- in my case, the German "Hi-Fi Tuning" ones -- made quite a difference in my system, despite my initial skepticism. So did simply removing the old ones, cleaning their contact areas, then using Walker SST (silver-bearing grease) on them and replacing them. Dave
Somehow I doubt that any present-day Kepler would waste his time on fuse comparisons. But good grief, wires make a major difference and I'm surprised you're still in the naysayer camp on this one. The fuse differences are not as pronounced and it does take a fairly highly resolving system to bring them out. Your post is a little pompous, don't you think? Dave
Edkoz, in which component were you going to try the fuse(s)? Mine made the most difference in power amps, but I don't know your components and can't really comment beyond thinking that yes, you could probably hear the improvement. Dave
I agree, Trelja. Go for it, Edkoz, and I hope we haven't steered you wrong!

PS: Thought I'd tell one on myself. My tubed phonostage is a heavily
modded NYAL Moscode SuperIt, with a large outboard power supply. This
has its own fuse, and I replaced it with one of the pricy jobs and definitely
heard an improvement. When I opened up the main unit to do some tube
rolling, I spotted another fuse on the PC board. Looked like it hadn't been
moved since I got my SuperIt in 1985. So I removed the fuse, cleaned it and
the fuseholder with Caig DeOxit and ProGold, then applied Walker SST (silver-
bearing grease) to the ends. Incidentally, this is what I did to all the fuses
before going for the pricy replacements; it makes a difference. After doing all
this, I thought I heard an improvement, albeit a very subtle one, not enough
to warrant replacing the fuse

You guessed it -- the modder told me that the PC-mounted fuse was no
longer in the circuit at all! (Like I said, it was a VERY subtle improvement :-))