Should the power be off every time changing cables?

I’m experimenting different IC and speaker cables.
Powering on and off to power amp, preamp, and other components each time changing cables is really bothering, because I need to wait 10 minutes or so between power on an offs.
I wonder I still need to turn off the power amp when I change IC cables between preamp and components. 
What kinds of cables can be changed with power amp on?
 I have a Plinius power amp and preamp.

Showing 1 response by daveyf

Wish I had read this thread a few months back. A couple of weeks ago, I was having a problem with my left mono block tube sound. So, I switched in my ss tube stereo amp ( which I run off my second output from my preamp). I had switched off my tube amps and had made the speaker cable change and the ic cable change while all amps were off. Nonetheless, I figured why not take a look at the ic's to the tube mono block amps ( which were off)...this while the ss amp was playing. NOT a good idea at all! 
The crackle through the speakers was pretty scary! Luckily, no damage done, but a lesson learned. Best to have ALL gear off when changing cables.