should speakers be coupled or decoupled?

I have seen a bunch of threads that touch on this, but I wanted to ask the question directly: I don't understand the idea of putting ball bearing type decoupling devices underneath floorstanding speakers (with or without a platform). Doesn't this mean that the speaker will move around as it's woofer fires? And isn't that decidedly not good sonically?

I do understand the idea of having a very solid base for the speaker: either spikes down through carpet to the base material underneath, or a solid platform.

I'm very interested in people's thoughts on this matter.

Showing 1 response by halcro

Markphd, I admire your immense patience. Of course spikes are the correct way to 'de-couple' speakers from the floor upon which they sit and I have answered many posts about placing squash balls beneath and timber platforms etc until I now just ignore the posts which continue to pop up every 2 months or so.
Your explanation of Newton's laws which explain why is again patiently put and your philosophical example of the earth being flat is a very good one.
I'm somewhat surprised at Stanwal who in the past has seemed to contribute intelligently to these discussions. Oh well, now I know. Thank you once again Markphd but, as you will quickly learn, the geese will continue to reinvent physics on every occasion in the belief that this is a 'subjective' hobby and not bound by the precepts of science.