Should repaired equipment be stated in the ad??

Just wondering what the community here thinks about this subject.
If a seller has had the equipment or product they are selling repaired because of damage of there own doing or something else such as shipping,should they put that in there for sale ad?

I believe they should,but that is just my opinion I believe that the potential new owner should be made aware of this and it should be in the ad.
What do others here think??

Showing 3 responses by bdgregory

If it's repaired, there's nothing broken. What is there to report?
I generally agree with this. I think it's expecting a lot to have a policy of disclosure in the ad (and it's unrealistic to expect it to be followed). That said I think a request for service history (ie during negotiations) should be responded to completely and honestly. If you think it's not full/honest disclosure walk away (btw, A'gon DOES have a policy on this). Your description of the terse response you received is familiar to me - when I think someone is not answering the question asked I walk, unless I decide I'm willing to take a risk on a deal too compelling to pass on.
Can you honestly say that you would buy repaired one of two identical units sold for the same amount on Audiogon??
I think it depends on the equipment in question. If it's a 1 or 2 year old component, very high end, I may be hesitant, especially if it wasn't the factory performing the service, or it was anything but a minor fix.

I'm somewhat of a bottom feeder and have purchased fairly old gear. (eg my B&K M200 amps - I had 8 of them at one time) I wasn't as concerned about repairs as I was current condition. And frankly when you're buying something from a second or third owner you can't truly know the repair record, although the fact it's not an original owner item will discount the value anyway. Further, if a component was recently serviced by the manufacturer or reputable tech, it may indeed have higher value (eg, an older amplifier newly recap'd) than one that is original/never serviced.

In any event, IMO, if repair record is important to you as a buyer, you should ask, and not expect it to be disclosed in the ad; and if you're a seller and are asked about the repair record, A'gon's etiquette policy should oblige you to answer honestly, accurately, and completely. (though the policy below may not be worded strongly enough)

Expected Etiquette:
All Audiogon members are expected to conduct themselves in an honest and civil manner.
hi Kijanki, that's not what I said. If you read statement once more - I said
if a component was recently serviced by the manufacturer or reputable tech, it may indeed have higher value (eg, an older amplifier newly recap'd) than one that is original/never serviced.

read that it MAY have, not DOES have

So to answer your question, I would pay more for a unit that has been repaired, than for one that is broken. And, I *may* pay more for one that has been recently serviced (ie checked out, biased, etc) by the manufacturer than for one that has not been checked out in years by a qualified tech, especially if the alternative units available are in unknown, unverified condition. Example: a few years ago I did indeed pay slightly better than market price for a Bedini 100.100 power amp that had been serviced and recapped by Bedini 2 years previous. This is a 1987 vintage amp. In this case the seller did advertise the service. Likewise I paid more for my Electron Kinetics Eagle 2C amp than I did for my Eagle 2A - the difference between them being that the 2C had undergone a refurbish/upgrade. I paid more than 2 times as much for it, and would do it again.

So, as I said, I think it depends on the equipment.