Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

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Showing 5 responses by sdrsdrsdr

This question is similar to the ski and snowboard debate. I know it’s different in California but up here in Canada(whistler mountain) snowboarding numbers are dwindling. I have done both equally but have to say skiing is the superior over snowboarding. Now snowboarding is only occasionally with my snowboarding friends. I used to do digital and vinyl equally also. Now I’m only vinyl.  
But snowboarding is still a serious sport and digital is still a serious source.
It might be said there are different levels of the audiophile hobby.
Level 1: digital 
Level 2: vinyl
Level 3 : tape (15 ips)
Im a level 2 that can’t afford level 3. 
This is an email I just replied to a friend of mine about this: Just for reference I’m vinyl only now.  @andera 

Yes. I know it got really strange. That’s why I recommended to only read the first page. This is the analog forum and you can see a bias towards analog but no definite  side against digital. Once the post started to get popular it attracted the wackos. What a stupid post anyway inferring that people that listen to digital aren’t audiophiles. I was once digital only for a few years and was just as much of an audiophile then as I am now. 


Now that’s quite funny. Good one. Someone finally made me laugh.
So could we maybe agree that digital could be awesome, but needs higher resolution. The problem is 16/44 just isn’t enough. What happened to sacd and hopes for other high res formats. I got tired of waiting and gave up on digital. But will welcome it back when it advances. I’ve been away from digital for quite a few years, am I missing something new and exciting. Don’t care about the convenience of streaming without sounding much better than CD’s.