Should listings include the age of the item?

It looks like a lot of used items sell for 50% off list, but:

1) The age of the item is not included in the listing
2) The list price seems to be the current list price, not the price paid for the item

Let me know what you think. Would including the age make valuing on used equipment a little more accurate?

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

What if the age of the item is unknown? Granted, many model numbers change every 2-3 years so you can somewhat figure it out, but many do not. I have bought used gear where the seller did not know how old it was, how am I to know how old it is then when I sell it?

As for your #2 concern, when posting an ad, the Audiogon system ask that you post a MSRP price (if you know it). They do not ask that you post the price that you actually paid for the item. It is up to the buyer to understand the market.
Elizabeth, just to be clear, you think the only people here are original owners or flippers? I'd have to disagree.

The amp I currently own is 19 years old, I bought it used, not from the original owner. My preamp is around 7 years old, I bought it used, not from it's original owner. The same can also be said for my speakers and turntable. I am not a flipper, I have owned this gear for over a year. I am not the original owner, nor did I buy used from the original owner. I hardly believe that I am in the minority here on Audiogon.

I can try my best to approximate the age of gear I posess, some I can ID by the serial number. Sometimes however, one just does not know how old a piece of gear is. If I do not know the age of an item, does that mean that I can not sell it? I think not, that's just illogical.

I do agree that there are much fewer pure hobbyists here today than there were years ago, but economic turmoils have been reflected in all facets of our society, not simply on Audiogon. Buyer Beware is more imporatant now than ever before, but I suspect it will only get worse until the bottom finally falls out.