Should I upgrade to Martin Logan Montis?

Hi folks, need unbiased opinions. I have a chance to upgrade my current setup: Martin Logan Theos + Depth i subwoofer

I am working a local deal to trade the above + $3500 for a pair of like new Montis.

I run an analogue front end consisting of a VPI Traveler turntable and Sutherland phono preamp.

I have a Emotiva ERC-3 CD player and Emotiva XPS-1 preamp and XPA-2 stereo amp.

All connected with Transparent MusicWave/Link Ultra level speaker cables and interconnects. Voodoo power cables throughout.

Would the 3500.00 best be spent on the speaker upgrade or an upgrade to say the preamp.


Showing 3 responses by jasonsim

Thanks Tom. I am leaning towards getting the Montis. Ideally, I would rather not have a subwoofer in my listening room. Since it is not that large a space and like you say, it is not easy setting the crossovers etc. I think I've done a decent job of it, but certainly the Montis with its DSP technology can do it better.

Thanks Tom. I took the plunge and picked up a pair of Montis for $5500. They might be a little big for the room, but who knows until I try them out right.

My room is going to be 11X14. I will be putting them against the 11 ft wall. My thinking was that I should have more space for them, if I got rid of the subwoofer. So the Depth I will be used in the family room with the pair of Theos.

Kind regards,
Thanks for your responses Tom! I received my Montis yesterday and must say that I am really impressed. They really have the low level that kinda lacked in the Theos. Now I need to decide whether I should replace the power cords to the Montis with something a bit better. Any suggestions. I use Voodoo cables on all my other gear, but those can be pretty expensive. Any suggestions?