Should I upgrade the cable of my Line Conditioner?


Just a simple question I hope.   I have the Furman Elite-15 Power Line Conditioner.    Should I use the stock power cable to connect the Furman to the electric outlet or should I try to use a high quality 3rd party power cable?   Will it improve the sound if I do?

Would like hear your experience.   

Thanks very much.


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Great question. Yes it depends. If you have no extra high end power cords around… well, you probably will at some point. A waste of money? Probably, but over time it happens and it ends up being useful for experimentation.


One thing you can pretty much bet on is installing a couple direct lines for your system (one for most components and one for amp) will have a significant payback.  Might be a move to consider first.

OP, what is your system? Power cords and interconnects can make a big and obvious difference.. but it is dependent on your system and your objectives.

Perhaps (it sounds like this) you are largely happy with your system and just don’t want to feel like you missed something. That is fine… I’m not sure if I were you I would do anything. If you really want to get the very best sound (assuming you have pretty good equipment), then you have to be prepared to work for it. Like do some reading and rent a couple sets of high end cords from the Cable Store. Then do thoughtful comparisons. If you try some really high end stuff… even if you don’t want to buy it, the experience can tell you what you can get out of doing it…. a tiny change, or huge. You can direct your further work from their. Typically I would start with speaker cables and interconnects… but they all can make a difference.


If this doesn’t appeal to you, the buy a budget cord an feel good that you covered your bases.. or don’t and feel good that you didn’t waste the money.

If you live in a multi family building, I would guess you can be certain you do not have good clean power. All the appliances and stuff in the building conspires to mess it up.

OP, after rereading the string I remember it. I have a terrible memory for names, and none for user IDs. Congratulations on the Cary. Hope you do a great summary like you did with your cable experience. That kind of thing helps everyone.