Should I upgrade my phono pre??

My custom Rega with an Apheta v.2 sounds great and I sure have been enjoying listening to so many LP's on my stereo. My phono stage is an AD-50 phono option board plugged into an Accuphase E-470. But then in a moment of weakness I bought a table that I've kind of lusted after for a long time, a Luxman PD-171 with a 10" Jelco 850 series arm. The cartridge is an Ortofon Cadenza Black. After solving a vexing ground loop issue, and getting the cartridge dialed in just right, I was simply unprepared for a shocking improvement in every aspect of the sound. When I cue up a record I can't but sit transfixed by the music. 

So I THOUGHT that my Rega/Apheta was the bomb. I had no idea that the Lux/Cadenza Black would be such a thrilling upgrade. Now I'm wondering if I would get yet another leap in performance if I was able to invest six to seven thousand (used or new) in a new phono pre. The AD-50 SEEMS awesome, and I'm a sucker for anything Accuphase, so my question is: Should I be shopping?


Showing 4 responses by oranfoster

Well, the Herron phono stage certainly has a devoted following! I’ve seen so many posts in various threads raving about the VTPH-2A that it really does make me curious. The Accuphase card generates very little self noise giving it what I think must be very good resolution. Is the Herron super quiet and resolving? If I could get those traits plus the great tone density from its valve based circuitry it could make for quite a nice combo.

I’ll look up the Phonolab....

thanks for the insights so far....

     Your post should earn you a commission from Herron Audio. You sold me on one. I’ll start with that and keep my eyes peeled for a great SUT. 
     I’m terrible because I’ve never been a huge fan of the Zesto design theme, but I think it really works well for their SUT. Now I just have to sell a couple pieces to make it happen. My Benchmark DAC3 HGC is awesome but my analog front end is getting so engaging that I’ll let that go and rely on the DAC-40 board that’s also installed in my Accuphase E-470. Hardly a compromise....
@lalitk Hello lalitk, 
    Well I did upgrade to a Luxman EQ-500 and I've been just thrillingly inspired by it. I just began a project to listen to every side of every classical LP that I have and to then decide what to do with it. (Keep, sell, donate, or trash.) My classical collection ranges from a few dozen discs purchased used at record stores. Some real hi-fi stuff and a few world class ones. Also I have hundreds of unsorted, un-even-looked-at records that have been donated to me  by the whole collection by customers at my bakery/cafe. Having a good audio system at my restaurant, and playing records there over the years on decent equipment, has put me in the position of being the recipient of collections of records by people that are moving to warmer climates or into retirement communities. So there is a lot of fairly undesirable records and every once in a awhile there is a true gem that is like finding a silver dollar at the beach.   I've had the EQ-500 for most of a year now, and have just gotten used to being transfixed by my records, that is, when I take the time to really listen, of course. By the way, the LUX has seven tubes and four SUTS and behaves like the incredibly well built, trouble free, flexible, old-school stereo component that it intends to be. I love the fact that the chassis has no vents! Few audio companies can put that much into a sealed, reasonably sized case that, provided one gives it the room to breathe that it needs, will simply work for many years to come. 
    Thanks for asking! Anything new or unusual in your pursuit of audio?
