should I upgade my Nakamichi PA-5?

I have a pair Proac Tablette Reference 8 Signature with Sony 9000ES & Nakamichi PA-5 using in a small room. So far nothing wrong with them. I just wondering should I change to PA-5II or PA-7/7II? is there any improvment? and what kind? thanks.
I am sorry something missed there. What I have are Sony TA-E9000ES AV Control Amp (Pre Amp.) and Nakamichi PA-5 Amp. now
i understand the sony 'may' sound fine without the pre. it would be interesting to find out how the sound changes with the pre in the system.....the sony is quite good.
Thanks Jaybo. I used have CA-5 Pre-Amp with PA5. Just because digital input, I just bought this SONY 9000ES. Did I make a mistake??(I still have that CA5)

And Thanks Bachtovinyl. I wish I clound come over and listen to your Magnepan. But I live in So. California.
I have a Nakamichi PA-5II. I felt that it was an upgrade from the 5. I have used it to drive my Magnepan's but since I am selling them I may sell the Nakamichi. If you live near Seattle feel free to come and listen to it.
you have a great system, and though you may may not feel its mandatory, try adding a nice preamp to the mix.