Should I update my manufactures power cords?

I am using a AQ Thunder 2m (20A) power cord from wall to Niagara 5000. 

Do I upgrade equipment using manufactures power cords plugged into Niagara 5000? Streamer (HIFI ROSE), McIntosh MC611 mono-amps (2 plugs), McIntosh ref. preamp 12000st +12000C (one plug to preamp), McIntosh MEN220 room equalizer (1 plug). 

Please advise which AQ PC's to use and where or manufacture PC will work. 



Showing 2 responses by soix

Send the unit to me and I will upgrade the power supply caps, resistors, etc. which will bow any power cord you an buy away.

@bigkidz What would something like that cost?  I assume doing this would void the warranty?

“Manufactures” is a verb — you’re looking for the noun, which is “manufacturer’s” power cords. AQ “manufactures” power cords and are a power cord “manufacturer.” One is an action and the other is a thing. See the difference?  Argh!