Should I Sell My Oppo 203?

I like the Oppo, but I'm enjoying a paired down setup for my TV and streaming.  I don't really watch blu-ray dvds, and I'm wondering: should I sell the Oppo 203?  Will I regret it in the future?  Am I missing out on great features that I don't know about?!

Showing 1 response by milpai

If the purpose of the Oppo was to watch Blu-ray/dvd, the I say sell it and get a streaming device. You will get most of the money back.
OTOH if you want to use it as a DAC and do not intend to buy an external DAC, then do keep it. It may not match a $2k DAC, but it can come pretty close, if buying an external DAC up to $2k is your intent. Try to use it as a uPnP device for streaming audio files and you will be amazed at what it can do.
Good luck!