Should I pay 500 to mod my old Mac MR-67 tuner?

I have owned a vintage Mac MR-67 for about a year. It's never been aligned or measured and I called Audio Classics about the process. They offer a full-Monty Richard Modafferi update/mod for $500, and I am about to go ahead and send my tuner in. My question, and only hesitation: should I only be spending this kind of money on a MR-71? Everyone seems to prefer the MR-71 but I've never heard one or compared it to my, or any, MR-67. I don't plan on trying to sell my MR-67 so I'm not really worried about covering my costs. I'm just wondering if I'd be spending too much money on the MR-67 when I should look around and get a MR-71 instead. My MR-67 is in great condition cosmetically, no rust or bubbles or anything.
Thanks for any thoughts from the tuner gurus.

Showing 1 response by jvia

This depends on what you want. Do you want the 67 to sound better,and thats all you need, go with it. It would cost you $200 probably just to have make align and service it. But to alter it, I don't know.( and I think RM is a tuner God, but it is still altered) It does hurt its resell value and collectability somewhere down the line, though you say your not going to sell. Or do you want to go ahead and spend the $300 or so more on what truly is a better tuner and never lose your investment? Sonics, I would think you would have to go with the 71, even after RM mods it. You might go to and pose the same question. Those guys live and die tuners and tuners mods, it would be interesting to read their opinions. But mine is go with the 71. Great problen to have though.