Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's

I worked in and owned upper end audio stores back in the 1970's. (McIntosh B&O Magnepan, etc) I have been pretty much out of audio for the past 30 years. In my old age, I want to play the records I have saved (many MFSL & Japanese virgin vinyl) I kept my B&O linear 4002 W/mmc20CL cart. and it still works and I have newer B&W 804 speakers. I am going to get a new table of better quality. I have always wanted an Audio Research tube amp and Preamp. I am considering the LS 26 or LS17SE Preamp and older D90/115 or newer VS 115 or the Ref 75SE. I am in my 60's and my hearing is not as good as it was, plus I am lost with all the digital technology. (just started using a smart phone) I just wanted to get opinions spending $4000 on older ARC or bite the bullet and spend in the $7000 up. Is it worth spending the money for the new equipment when I am only playing records. 
I went thru the B&O (new caps, belts, and lub. It is a good table but I am going to keep it with the video system. I have beem looking at turntables and phono preamps. Vpi is high on the list and also Music Hall, Rega, and Thorens. I have not done any research on new cartridges. I have an older Denon 103D, Shure V15 Type lll, and an extra B&O mmc20cl I can use. I have always liked the Denon.
You may want to seriously consider a used ARC SP20 preamp.  This has a built in Phono preamp.  I just got one and I am very impressed with it.  This replaces my ARC LS2 which I have meaning to upgrade for a long time.  I considered the Ref 5SE but the SP20 comes with a Phono Preamp built in and is great value for the money especially if you can get it for a good price.  I have paired this with a Ref 75 which replaced my VT100 as well. 
I have looked at the VT 100 MKIII (it has XLR inputs) over the other 2 models and the Ref 75. What is your opinion on the 2 amps.